Tuesday 11 November 2014

Tharparkar: People left at the mercy of politicians

Wednesday two more newborn babies died in Mithi Hospital in the drought-hit Tharparkar thus raising the death toll to 36. Mostly infants and teenagers have lost their precious lives in the month of October. Both the children died at Mithi Hospital and they were not more than a week old. Over 100 people, including 40 children, are still being treated at the Mithi Hospital. Over 461 children have died in Tharparkar during the past nine months while the provincial government remained unmoved. CM Sindh Qaim Ali Shah and his cabinet miserably failed to save the precious lives as no concrete measures have been taken so far that could provide food, potable water to these “ UNFORTUNE” children. The PPP-led provincial government utilizing each and every possible resources to “Regain” the party’s popularity graph which is very much on the decline. Billions of rupees have been spent on the processions of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari in order to revive the Bhuttoism. Only rupees two billion were spent to arrange the PPP’s procession at Mazar-e-Quaid to bring the people. The provincial government also at dagger drawn with its allied party MQM which has quit the ruling alliance in protest of derogatory remarks passed by PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto and Khursheed Shah. Thousands of people in drought-hit Tharparkar are dying of starvation. People are force to drink water from the nullah where the animals also quench their thrust. On the other side a relief inspection team that visited the Civil Hospital in Mithi Wednesday and seized hundreds of sacks of staples including bottles of water stocked in the store. The mysterious disappearances of Mobile Health Units equipments even the tires which was gifted by Japan to help local authorities meet the requirements is a condemnable act. This shows the level of corruption on the part of those sitting on the helm of affairs. The Chief Minister Sindh who recently visited the drought-hit area did attended the meeting but most of the time he was caught sleeping. This shows how serious Qaim Ali Shah and his party is when it comes saving lives of the innocent people.
The drought has been further aggravated by the total lack of failure to understand what needs to be done. It is not simply a matter of distributing wheat or vaccinating children after malnutrition and disease have set in. The main issue is livestock which needs to be saved as the local people depend on this livestock. Clean drinking water is also an essential to save not only the people but also for the survival of the livestock.
Despite many promises made by the federal and provincial governments, the people of the area have been left at the mercy of provincial as well federal governments as despite making tall claims nothing significant has been witnessed on the ground and the condition of the dwellers have been worsened with each passing day.
Khan said the absence of a strategy to deal with drought in Tharparkar is reflective of a complete failure of successive governments to plan proactively for the welfare of the ordinary citizens of the country.
Even today despite daily reports of deaths due to the drought our rulers remain unmoved to act on an emergency basis. The callous attitude of the provincial and federal governments is a shameful reflection of the distorted priorities of the provincial as well Federal government. Hospitals in Tharparkar district are crammed with drought-affected people, mostly children. Residents have slammed lack of help from the government.
The ongoing drought in Thar which is leading to what could be avoidable deaths through malnutrition and starvation, especially of women and children as well as suicide by women out of despair when unable to provide food for their children.
CM Sindh Qaim Ali Shah is running the Sindh government more than twelve years but failed miserably to serve the masses. It is a matter of shame for the provincial government that could not installed the water filtration plants which were supposed to be named after Shaheed Benazir Bhutto. People who used to respect Bhutto’s family are now openly criticizing the party over its failure to save their lives. Asif Zardari had announced setting up Shaheed Benazir Bhutto’s centre where the needy people could at least drink clean water and enjoy food regularly. Sharjeel Memon also made numerous promises but both failed to live up to his words.
The ruling party facing numerous problems due to bad governance and its failure to fulfill the promises.. Taking corrupt practicee to the task, ending nepotism, VIP culture and provision of cheap and speedy justice to the common man were the promises he and his party leaders made to the people. The PML-N government is also not paying any heed to the plight of drought-hit Tharparkar’s residents. It is a matter of shame that innocent people are dying due to malnutrition in a country which is full of natural resources.

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