Tuesday 11 November 2014

Reduction in PoL prices: Not good enough to end masses’ sufferings

Federal as well provincial governments have failed to devise a comprehensive strategy to end the very menace of corruption and withholding across the board accountability against those bureaucrats, who have failed to implement the decision taken by the PM Nawaz Sharif with regard to reduction of PoL prices. Most of the owners of the petrol pumps have either refused to sell the petrol saying that they have ran out of stock while others are selling the same on higher prices without any fear of getting caught. The Federal government did a commendable job by cutting down Petrol price by Rs 9.43 per litre but the steps could not lesson the miseries of the general public. Despite the decision made by the federal government, the concerned quarters failed miserably to implement the order in true letter and spirit.People are facing hardship in finding petrol.
From a distributor to petrol pump owner, everybody claiming that they have bought petrol on higher prices and if they sell the petrol on reduced prices then they would have to suffer billions of rupees loss which they can not bear. The masses were expecting cutting down petrol price would provide a great financial relief to them but unfortunately their dreams haven’t been come true yet.
Distributors, dealers, shopkeepers and public transport operators haven’t reduced the prices. The masses are being overcharged and the concerned quarters are watching the entire episode as a silent spectator. The public transport operators in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad are keep overcharging commuters without fearing of getting caught. People are being charged Rs 30 to 35 from Sadr to Pak Secretariat while Rs twenty are being charged from stop to stop in the twin cities. Despite numerous complaints by the commuters, the Rawalpindi Traffic Police as well Islamabad Traffic Police officials haven’t taken any significant action against the public transport operators. Most of time, the public transport operators only accommodate commuters from Sadr to Faizabad stop. After approaching Faizabad stop they force commuters to empty the van and pick “New Commuters” for Islamabad which is sheer violation of traffic laws. Traffic wardens watch the ugly practice everyday but do not take any action against violators as most of the public transport vehicles belonged to “ Bigwigs”. It was being expected that after reduction in the petrol price, the masses would be able to buy items of basic commodities on lower price but it never happened. The provincial government has constituted price control committee several times but the officials of the committee failed to do justice to their jobs. Not a single dealer, distributor or shopkeeper has been booked for fleecing the masses what to say about fine. The price control comities do exit but only on paper. These officials get handsome salaries and enjoy all perks and privileges but never bothered to keep constant check on the illegal practice of overcharging, hoarding and profiteering. The unhygienic food is openly being sold out in the markets for decades.
Corruption seems a never-ending menace for the general public. One can not get his job done without greasing the palms of the clerck badshah, muharir in government offices and police stations. Iftikhar Muhammad Choudhary, the ex CJP while hearing a case observed that he can not find even a single government institute which is free of corruption. During PPP’s tenure, then NAB Chief while addressing a gathering disclosed that corrupt practicee were depriving national kitty of nearly eight to nine billions of rupees per day. These are not tell-tale story but an open truth which none of the governments either in the past or present ready to admit. There is no dearth of honest and efficient persons in our country. Unfortunately either they have been made OSD or compelled to leave the country as most of the appointments in government institutions are not made on merit. Each and every successive government keeps appointing blue-eyed persons on the top slot. Most of the heads of government institutions are performing as acting chairman. These “Active heads of the government departments’ neither fulfill the criteria nor have any experience for the post they have been commanding.
Bureaucracy plays a important role in promoting or ruining the image of any sitting government as their very job is to ensure implementation of the orders/ announcement made by the President, PM, CMs or ministers. Holding accountability of the bureaucracy has become vital for the government’s survival otherwise the rulers would never made to parliament again as now masses are fully aware of their rights. Time is ripe to rid the government departments of black sheep. The federal as well provincial governments must order probe in to the sorry state of affairs besides taking to the task to the concerned officials who have failed to implement the PM’s orders. Otherwise, the opposition parties would get another golden chance to take on the incumbent government which is already facing many crises.

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