Tuesday 11 November 2014

Unity must to save the country from hidden enemies

The MQM has parted its ways with the PPP government and seems in mood to accept any pressure by the provincial government. PPP leader, provincial minister Manzoor Wassan reportedly told media men the party would bring back MQM in the government within 14 to twenty days. Wassansaid all we have o do is to offer a ministry and some advisors’ posts to the MQM. It is a very serious statement which means a lot. This statement has put the MQM’s credibility on the line. MQM Chief Altaf Hussain seems very angry with the CM Sindh who according to him pushing party’s leadership against the wall. Altaf Hussain complained that Karachi operation is being launched against the MQM. He had told the provincial government not to test the ‘our’ patience. The PPP government has already clrafied that operation is not against any particular party. Police and rangers have been given free hands to deal with the criminals. The rangers have also made it clear that they would not succumb to any pressure and would not succumb to any succumb to any political pressure.
Altaf Hussain. MQM chief has called COAS Raheel Sharif to launch investigations against the presence of black sheep in the police as well other law enforcement agencies, claiming that extra- judicial killing of MQM workers continued unabated. He alleged that Muhajirs are being pushed to the wall and rangers force is active against the MQM. He went extra miles by saying that it is not the military’s job to break the parties. He said the military should be pulled back from politics arguing that he backs the military but will not support the misdeeds. He said that the MQM has always backed the military in difficult times, alighted lamps for martyred soldiers and organized a million marches in support of the military. The MQM is staging protest rallies and sit-ins in Karachi due to which all sorts of routine activities have come to halt.
MQM also came hard on the provincial government for subjecting its activists to worst kind of state terrorism. The Federal government is also being blamed for not taking any interest to end the injustice. The MQM leaders are also accusing the federal government of double policy. They alleged that the activists of PTI and PAT and whosoever attacked the parliament building and PTV headquarters haven’t been arrested yet while on the other side
MQM workers, leaders who were busy in holding party session are receiving all sorts of threats.
The situation is very alarming as Rangers are being accused of conducting operation in Karachi against Muhajirs. Karachi operation was launched with the consensus of all political parties and MQM was very vocal with regard to the deteriorating law and order situation. The MQM chief was the first person who kept pressurizing the federal government to handover Karachi to army. The operation was aimed at purging the country’s financial hub from anti state elements, bhutta mafia, target killers and other anti social elements that had made the lives of the citizens nothing less than a misery. The federal government gave free hand to Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah and assured all out support in making the operation a success. But unfortunately, the Captain of the operation (CM Sindh) appeared to have some more priorities than bringing back normalcy in the metropolitan. Despite giving extra powers to Rangers, the Sindh government continued influencing the operation systematically. Shahid Hayyat, the former chief of police is back on the job but this time he had been appointed DG operation. He was sacked after he gave deadline to some political parties to handover the wanted person otherwise police would have no choice but to raid their offices. Now he is back and people are expecting things going to get better in the crime-infested city.
eThe federal government on various occasion advised the provincial government to gear up the operation to achieve the desired results. PM and Federal Interior Minister made numerous visits to see the progress of the Karachi operation. But unfortunately the provincial government started criticizing the federal government of interfering into provincial matter. Now situation is very grave as rangers, being a para military force is being accused of launching operation against MQM. This is very dangerous trend and forces must not be blamed to such extent as it would only help the anti state forces to destablise the country. The law and order situation in Karachi has badly damaged the country’s economy. Innocent people have lost their lives in terror-related incident. Attacks on Karachi airport, bid to break-in Central Jail and rising incidents
of target killing are very alarming. It is the duty of each and every politician either sitting in or outside the parliament to shun their differences. Armed forces are successfully carrying forward operation Zarab-e-Azab. Situation on our eastern and western borders is very tensed. The time has come to safe the country and it is only possible when we all stand shoulder to shoulder with each other.

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