Thursday 30 May 2013

Ayat Ulla Ruhollah Mostafavi Khomeini A great revolutionist

Allama Iqbal (R.A.) says,

‘If Tehran becomes the Geneva of Eastern World
May be fortune of the world will change’

            Today’s Iran has achieved a decent position in the world. The lovely people here celebrate the birthday of Islamic Revolution each year.

            34 years ago when a great Islamic Revolution took place in Iran which astonished the whole world and forced the human world to think that the history’s direction could be changed in this way also. An untoward witnessed by billions of people of this world; a change which after taking the shape of reality, not only became the cause of Islamic philosophy and thought but also became the story of passion and spirit of a great nation. The whole world was astonished, the invalid were shivering and the idols of imperialist powers were broken. The great revolution gave a new hope, a bright revolution in which one hundred thousand sons of Islam sacrificed their lives and stroked hard on invalid and non believers and changed the world’s history with their call for truth and authenticity. This was a revolution of truth which was a reflection of Imam Khomeini (R.A.)’s faithful and enthusiastic leadership and which made the impossible, a possibility. This revolution which emerged on 11th February 1979 became a hope for the awakening of Islamic beliefs. This is matter of pride for whole Islamic world. Today the effects of Imam Khomeini (R.A.)’s strong character and Islamic revolution are continuously spreading in the whole world. Materialism is changing into truth. The satanic and non believing forces of whole world are being sinking into the marsh of failure. This change in the human world’s thought is a source of establishment of peace and tranquility in the world. The historic role of Imam Khomeini (R.A.) will always be remembered by the humans and will also guide them to the excelsior resolute of Islam’s. Up coming generations will set their goal according to this. Islam’s flag will raise high in the whole world. There is no doubt that due to great revolution by Imam Khomeini (R.A), his role becomes eternal in the second establishment of Islam. Under his enthusiastic leadership, one hundred thousand sons of Islam sacrificed their lives and properties, as a result of which Iranian King Raza Shah Pehlvi was forced to escape from Iran on 16th February 1978. After fifteen years of exile when revolutionary leader Imam Khomeini (R.A) reached at Tehran airport on 1st February 1979, fifty hundred thousand sons of Islam welcomed him. Iranian people were desperate to take a glimpse of their beloved leader. The day of  11th February 1979 was formally declared as the day of Islam’s victory due to which the western culture was eradicated from Iran and Islamic style of living were visible everywhere. How and why all this happened? To know this, it is necessary to have a glimpse of Iran’s previous history.

            Two and a half thousand years ago, Korosh Azam after changing Iranian nation into a united state laid the foundation of dominion. At that time this dominion was consisted of today’s Pakistan, Middle East and various other areas of Asia. Alexander the Great ended this dominion after two hundred years and Greek’s government was established. Two centuries (BC), Ashkani’s captured it and Parsi religion was implemented. At last after three hundred years this dominion was also eradicated by Sasaanians. This was the era of last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was not only preaching Islam in Arab areas but also to the kings of neighboring states including Qaiser-e-Rome and Iranian king. In the reign of Khulafa-e-Rashideen, after the end of Sasaani rule, Islam spread all over the world. Iranian served Islam in a great manner and took Islam to its peak. In seventh century Hijri, Mughals attacked and destroyed the Islamic Kingdom and a lot of Iranian cities were ruined. At last in the Safwi rule of Shah Abbas Awwal, education and skills were developed and new cities were settled, new roads and buildings were constructed. After Safwi’s rule the decline of Iran started once again. There was Afghan’s occupation and then it was the rule of Nadir Shah. A new dominion was established after World War-I with the help of colonialist powers. This was the rule of Raza Shah Pahlvi in which Islamic and national values were torn into pieces. The seeds of western culture and modern society were sworn and the society was sacrificed to innovation.

            A bright star emerged from the darks of western cultural invasion, innovation and Pehlvi tyranny, which dazzled the eyes of world. This star of brightness was the personality of revolutionary leader Honorable Imam Ayat Ullah Rooh-Ullah Almoosawi Alkhomeini (R.A).

            He was born in 1902 in a town of Khomein. His father’s name was Syed Mustafa Khomeini. His grandfather’s name was Syed Ahmad. People used to call him Syed Ahmad Hindi. For generation his family was a nursery for religious teachings and training. Imam Khomeini (R.A) started his scholarly life in 1919 and mastered Uloom-e-Fiqah at Hoza-e-Ilmiya, Qum under the patronage of Sheikh Abdul Karim Hairi (R.A). He achieved the knowledge of philosophy and Sufism under the guidance of Ayat Ullah Mirza Muhammad Ali Shahabadi (R.A). He spend a very simple life in eating, clothing, affairs, social etc. He used to spend most of his time in praying.

            Three decades ago when Pehlvi oppression and despotism crossed its limit, Hazrat Imam Khomeini (R.A) raised the flag of Jihad against it. He has to spend a long time in exile and suffer from a lot of difficulties. But at last, the Iranian nation succeeded under his leadership and guidance and they saw the sun of Islamic revolution rising.  Imam Khomeini (R.A) says about the Islamic revolution of Iran that “The Islamic revolution of Iran was an explosion of brightness.”

            The dream of second establishment of Islam seen by Allama Iqbal was interpreted by the great revolutionary leader Imam Khomeini (R.A). He died at June 03, 1989 but during his life he played a historic and effective role in this world. In the light of way designed by him, the Muslim nation can gather the whole world at the platform of peace and may unite to safeguarding for “Baitullah”.  As Allama Iqbal (R.A.) says,

“The Muslim should unite for the safe guard of HARAM,
Right from the shores of River Nile to the soil of Kashghar,          

            Revolutions took place in the last century in France, China, Africa, Europe, Arab, India, Afghanistan etc. but none of them was occurred 100 % according to the Islamic Ideology, whereas the revolution under the leadership of Imam Rooh Ullah Almoosawi Alkhomeini (R.A) was 100% on the basis of Islamic Ideology.

            The world is presently witnessing revolutionary changes in some countries of Middle East, which are the result of economic, social and political injustices meted to the people of these states by its rulers in connivance with the foreign tyrant forces.

Allama Iqbal (R.A.) says,

“A life without revolution is just like a death,
The life of the spirit of nations is to struggle for the revolution”

            Three decades ago, the Islamic Republic of Iran has undergone a revolution which was truly Islamic in essence and spirit and has changed altogether not only the course of history of the Iranian nation but also fixed new dimensions and horizons for the bright future of the vibrant and progressive Iranians. Since the revolution has its light from the eternal moral and ethical values of Islam upon which the economic, social and political system has been established, its impact has not limited to the geographical boundaries of Iran but its spirit and essence has also transgressed into the adjourning territories as well. The people of the Arab world are taking strength and energy from the great Islamic Revolution of Iran and they are challenging the tyrant and oppressive regimes.

            It is high time that the western capitalist powers and the eastern materialist & neo-colonial rulers must understand that the system of the west which is based on materialism will not sustain for a longer period and it will crumble down at last but the system which is based on universal moral values and ethical virtues will last for ever. The Iranian revolution has brought about change in the moral and ethical values of Great sons of Iran and this change has positively affected the social, economic and political life not only the Iranian nation but its effects are now felt throughout the world.     

            The current results of Islamic revolution of Iran show that in near future the International Imperialism is going to be affected by its effects. Then ethnic and language difference will come to an end. Sectarianism will die its own death. All differences will be removed by Great Ijtihad. After the sad demise of Imam Khomeini (R.A), Ayat Ulla Khaminai was elected as his successor with a great majority. He belongs to a scholar family of Mashhad. He got his preliminary education in Mashhad and Qum. He actively took part in the Islamic Revolutionary Movement under the leader ship of Imam Khomeini (R.A) and had to suffer from imprisonment. He spends a lot of his life in teaching various subjects and wrote many books. He not only has an expert observation on the international events and politics but under his guardianship Islamic Republic of Iran stepped forward towards development and prosperity and there was an increase in Islamic thoughts and philosophy.  He being the supreme leader of Iran fulfilled his responsibility to protect and guard Islamic Revolution with the help of Imam Khomeini’s Philosophy. His utmost efforts made this revolution an ideal for the people of other countries too. The Islamic society of Iran has become an ideal society for all classes. This is only Almighty Allah’s will that this revolution was so successful. But the imperial powers are still over-optimistic that they might tackle this great revolution by their deceitful tricks. They are insane that do not understand any language other than that of the arms and capital. May be they have forgotten the fact that every Muslim thinks that he himself is responsible to protect this Islamic Revolution. Currently globalism is taking its last breaths. Only truth and justice has got the eternity. This is the universal truth that lie do not have any feet. The killers of justice and cruel will reach to their end. The whole Islamic world salutes the courage, honor, greatness and success of the sons of Islamic Republic of Iran and is determined to stand with them in the future.

            The Islamic world’s special attention is concentrated on the present leadership of Islamic Republic of Iran. That is why the son of Islam Dr. Mahmood Ahmadi Najjad has been so far successful in fulfilling his commitments that are based on truth. His thoughts not only have changed the lives of Muslims but the invalid powers are also astonished and imperial powers are also surprised with his moral victory.

            As a result of Imam Khomeini’s teachings and philosophy, Dr. Mahmood Ahmadi Najjad emerged as an examplary personality. He has conveyed a great message of unity to the Muslim nation.

            Upon following the path showed by Imam Khomeini (R.A), Islamic Republic of Iran has got access to atomic energy, which is very essential for Iran’s economy and to achieve a respectable position in the world. During acquisition of atomic energy, Iran has repeatedly assured the world that its atomic program is only meant for peaceful purposes and Iran will use it only for the betterment of humanity. It is therefore necessary for the world powers to accept his historical fact and proceed in developing friendship and trade with the young leadership of Islamic Republic of Iran.

            Presently, the invalid and imperial powers are trying their best to nullify the effects and results of Islamic revolution, but they are still not being able to achieve this objective. Most of the cultural and moral values of people of Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan are common. Due to this reason they have a very close tie and one can hope that in future the friendship, Islamic brotherhood and relationship between both countries will increase day by day. Consequently the people of both brother Islamic countries will develop and succeed together.

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