Tuesday 11 November 2014

Govt’s shortcoming: Imran throws ball in PM’s court

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has returned from China where he held important meeting with the top leadership. PM has termed his visit very successful claiming the pacts signed by the two countries would have far reaching impacts on the country’s economy. The country would be able to get rid of loadshedding menace once for all and government would bring about a significant change in the common man’s life. There is no doubt about PML-N government’s efforts to end the sufferings of the masses but yet government has to do a lot more to restore the confidence of the masses. The sharp increase in terrorism, violence against minorities, deteriorating law and order situation, corruption, mismanagement, unemployment and injustices seem never ending. Terrorists are killing people, influential are targeting minorities, poor, there would hardly be a government institute not infested by the corruption, youths are running from pillar to post to get job, corrupt and inefficient persons are being appointed on important posts, while the innocent people including women and kids are dying in the government hospitals either due to criminal lethargic attitude on the part of doctors what to say about people of Thar who have been suffering a lot for the last 14 years. It is a shame that in only nuclear Islamic state, children are dying of starvation; people are compelled to drink the water mixed with animals’ waste. The Sindh health department has confirmed deaths of over 600 children in Tharparkar in last eight months what to say about yesteryears.
The Sindh government has miserably failed to deliver on any front. PM should have step in by sending aid to the people of Thar and hold accountable to those who deprived people of food and healthcare facility but he opted to remain silent reason best known to him.
The rulers only keep promising the masses of improving their lot but seeing ground realities, the PPP-led government in the Centre and Sindh province, the appointment of blue-eyed persons ruined the state institutions and left adverse effect on the country’s economy besides making the lives of common man nothing less than a misery.
Before 2013 general elections, PML-N government made tall claims and assured the masses that they would hold Musharraf accountable of his deeds and would recover plundered national wealth from then President Asif Zardari. CM Shahbaz Sharif publicly refused to accept Zardari as President. But after coming to power, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif changed his priorities and turned his guns against Pervez Musharraf. Ironically, not a single case was initiated against Asif Zardari who never fulfilled the promises he or even Shaheed Benazir Bhutto made to Nawaz Sharif. PM did commit a blunder by extending ‘maximum assistance’ to PPP and the Sindh government being run by the party. Initiating case under article 6 against Pervazi Musharraf was the biggest mistake he made in his political career as the case is under trial so one can not write much on the very topic but it would be precise to say that the case would create a lot of problems for the sitting government in days to come.
PM Nawaz Sharif remains unsuccessful in providing any major relief to the masses too. He promised once to put an end to loadshedding within two to three years but after realizing the ground realities he admitted publicly that he did make the promises but he was unaware of the facts that there was not sufficient amount in the national kitty to fulfill the promises. Like Zardari, Nawaz too started taking decisions on his own without taking parliament or cabinet into confidence. He and most of his key ministers even did not bother to attend the Lower or Upper House sessions regularly. It was the PPP’s co chairperson Asif Zardari who termed the 2013 general polls as “ROs” polls.Then PTI chief Imran Khan started raising his voice against the alleged rigging demanding recounting of votes in four constituencies. Nawaz should have listened to the demands of Imran Khan but he opted to host Asif Zardari twice, once in PM’ House and then in Lahore to discuss the “Mutual” issues. Now Nawaz Sharif is finding ways and means to deal with the protest drive launched by the PTI. Imran Khan now not only demanding probe into alleged rigging and punishing all those if found guilty of committing. Government must take Khan seriously when he announced Sunday that the government will find it very difficult to operate after his rally in Islamabad on November 30. Now Imran Khan has put forward some very important suggestions to the government to resolve the political impasse. He has demanded of the PM Nawaz Sharif to formulate an impartial commission to probe into rigging. He has shown flexibility by allowing PM to remain in power until the rigging is proved. Government must response positively in the larger interest of the country.

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