Tuesday 12 August 2014

Let the democracy nourish but not at the cost of people’s life

The clashes between PAT and police continued for the second consecutive day while nobody is paying any heeds to the suffering of the masses. The PAT chief claimed that eight of his party workers have been shot dead by the police while thousand were injured. PAT chief now in his latest move has directed his supporters not to come to Lahore as they were lose their lives and told him to observe Youm-e Shuhada in their native places. But in the same time he is telling workers to reach Lahore if they can make their way through the containers and in the presence of heavily armed police contingents.
Though there were differences between the government and the PTI chief Imran Khan as later was demanding of recounting of votes in four constituencies arguing that rigging has been committed. But the unexpected return of Dr Tahirul Qadri in Pakistan to topple the democratic government, made the things from bad to worst on the political front.
The government was striving hard to meet the challenges it inherited from the PPP-led government, but the call given by Dr Qadri had put every efforts to bring relief the masses came to halt as the government diverted its attention from steering country out of the prevalent crisis to deal with Dr Tahirul Qadri’s undemocratic call. What kind of revolution PAT chief wants to bring? What force him to feel the pain of the masses? During PPP’s tenure, the terrorism, energy, gas crisis, inflation, injustices and unemployment were on its peak. Why Dr Qadri opted to go back to Canada after forcing PPP0led government to accept the demands he made. These are some serious questions being asked by the masses that had enough from “seasonal” politicians. Dr Qadri told his supporters at the end of sit-in in Islamabad that he has achieved his “goals” and returned back to Canada.
What were the goals he achieved? Why did he fail to feel the pain of the masses at that time? Now certainly the role he is playing is totally uncalled for. If he wants to bring the change then he should wait and take part in the elections to serve the masses. In a democratic and civilized society, ballots are only way to bring about positive change/ Inciting violence by delivering inflammatory speeches could be very harmful for the country especially at a time when our armed forces are busy in eliminating terrorists from country’s soil once for all. So far the role on the part PAT chief seems dubious. He is talking about the death of his party workers at the hands of the police but what about the death of a child whose family could not make their way to hospital as all the roads were blocked by the baton- wielding activists of PAT. The child died in the ambulance. Why Dr Qadri did not even spoke on his behalf? .He apparently wanted to enforce his agenda by using supporters and some anti-democratic elements and there seems a little difference in his politics and the way Maulana Sufi Muhammad tried to enforced his agenda in Swat which resulted in the death of hundreds of innocent citizens .The PML-N government hasn’t learnt lesson from its past mistake. Had the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif acted on time, the situation would be much better today? But due to wrong policies coupled with inflammatory remarks by the ruling party’s ministers, Qadri succeeded in getting support of some ‘seasonal politicians” and now bent upon derailing the democratic system.
When it comes to Imran Khan, no doubt he is playing by the roles. He never tried to exploit his supporters even after failing to get justice. Until now Imran Khan is trying to bring about a peaceful change. He did not close the door of negotiations with the government like Dr Qadri did. Imran knocked each and every door to get his voice heard but unfortunately the concerned quarters did not pay any heeds to his genuine demands as
no serious efforts were made on the part of the government to address his party’s grievances.. Nobody but it is the government to blame for compelling PTI to take its plight on the streets. Now government should let PTI hold Azadi March in the federal capital as Imran Khan is giving assurance to the government that his party would hold peaceful march and there would be no incident of violence. The government should  allow PTI to hold march as it is their democratic rights.

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