ISLAMABAD: Imam Khomeini was a genuine leader Islamic world
has produced in the recent and he was second to none, he lived his life to give
awareness to the Muslims of the world to take a stand against the atrocities
and interference of West in Muslim countries.
He said that Western
countries using their bold culture using films to invade the Muslim culture and
it is the time to think on broader aspect.
President of Iranian Cultural Consulate Taqqi Sadqi said
that Iran and Pakistan are brotherly Muslim countries and have great
similarities of culture and faith. President PFUJ Azfal Butt, Mazhar Barlas in
their addresses appreciated the efforts of great leader Khomeini for the unity
of Muslim Ummah. Munawar Hasmi reflected the Iranian revolution with the poetry
of the Poet of the East Dr. Allama Iqbal as said that revolution was the
reality of his dreams. People from all walks of life including educationists,
journalists and students attended the event in great numbers. Renowned writer
Munawar Hashmi, Quratu Ail Bukhari, Syed Sabtain Naqvi, Pir Haider Gillani, Pir
Wajid Ali Akbar, Ali Raza Alvi, Mazhar Barlas and President Pakistan Federal
Union of Journalists Afzal Butt expressed their views and presented their
tribute to the contribution of Imam Khomeini in uniting the Muslim world.