These views were expressed by the head of Tehreek-e- Nifaaz
e Fiqah Jafaria Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi while talking to media persons on Saturday here
at Markazi Jamaia Murtaza G9/4, he was leading ‘Azadari Protest’ against the killing
of innocent Muslims including shia pilgrims and against demolishment of holy

He said that in the name of expansion of the holy cities of Mecca and Madina, rulers of Saudi Arabia have destroyed the
signs attributed to the holy family of Holy Prophet (PBUH), the pious wives and
his pious companions, while expansion could be carried out while keeping these
signs intact.
Talking about the Indian aggression on line of control he
said that at first India commit violations later started crying at the
international media to gain sympathies “this is the continuation of Bombay
drama to create hatred among the masses” he added.
He said that internal and external enemies are combined to
tear Pakistan ’s
solidarity apart and the patriotic forces should take care of survival of the
motherland instead of involving themselves in long marches and dharnas. He
expressed concern that despite imposition of Governor’s Rule in Balochistan the
situation has not improved there and incidents of terrorism were still going on.
Agha Moosavi said under a well-thought conspiracy, the
colonial powers are trying their utmost to prove Islam and its followers as
terrorists despite the fact that those who are crying hoarse of terrorism are
the ones who have patronised terrorists. Agha Moosavi said that the colonial
power is not only targeting Pakistan
but it is a conspiracy against Islam. “We cannot be scared of suicide attacks;
bomb blasts and similar evil tactics neither can deviate us from the real path.
We want to let everyone know that even if we are cut into pieces, those pieces
burnt to ash, then even this ash will spread through air and in every particle there
will be a voice of Labaik Ya Hussain (PBUH)”.
He expressed his grieves over the division of Muslims all
over the world, “ Muslims are brothers of each other and like single entity or
a body, if one part of the body is in pain the whole body gets affected”. Muslim
countries are being targeted and destroyed but Muslims are being further
divided, we must strength OIC and take firm stand against any aggression on any
Muslim country”, he added. He said that if one Muslim country is attacked other
remain silent spectators, colonial powers are busy to divide Muslims in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Syria, Bahrain, Tunis, Libya, Lebanon, Egypt and spreading hatred
among Muslims for each others.
The Quaid-i-MillatJafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi
called upon the Azadaraan Imam AaliMuqaam to give priority to Azadari over all
other matters till 8thRabiulAwwal and avoid taking part in all types of
political activities because the Gham-e-Hussain is top of our all other grieves.